.. _ref-usage: ===== Usage ===== Describes how to use Pipeline when it is installed and configured. Automated generation ==================== If ``PIPELINE`` and ``PIPELINE_AUTO`` is enabled (``True``), the source files will be automatically updated, and re-generated if needed when invoked from the templatetags. The last modified time of the files will be compared, and if any of the source-files is newer than the output-file, the file will be re-generated. Management command ================== You can update and force updates of the compressed file(s) with the management command “synccompress”. This makes it possible to keep the files updated manually. The command is (assuming you are in you project-folder that contains ``manage.py``) :: ./manage.py synccompress To force all files to be re-generated, use the argument ``--force`` :: ./manage.py synccompress --force To re-generate only a specific group :: ./manage.py synccompress screen To re-generate only specific groups :: ./manage.py synccompress screen print Templatetags ============ Pipeline includes two template tags: ``compressed_css`` and ``compressed_js``, in a template library called ``compressed``. They are used to output the ```` and ``