
Using with staticfiles

Pipeline is providing a storage for staticfiles app, to use it configure STATICFILES_STORAGE like so


And if you want versioning use


There is also non-packing storage available, that allows you to run collectstatic command without packaging your assets. Useful for production when you don’t want to run compressor or compilers


Also available if you want versioning


If you use staticfiles with DEBUG = False (i.e. for integration tests with Selenium) you should install the finder that allows staticfiles to locate your outputted assets :


If you use PipelineCachedStorage you may also like the CachedFileFinder, which allows you to use integration tests with cached file URLs.

If you want to exclude Pipelinable content from your collected static files, you can also use Pipeline’s FileSystemFinder and AppDirectoriesFinder. These finders will also exclude unwanted content like READMEs, tests and examples, which are particularly useful if you’re collecting content from a tool like Bower.


GZIP compression

Pipeline can also creates a gzipped version of your collected static files, so that you can avoid compressing them on the fly.


The storage need to inherit from GZIPMixin:

from import CachedStaticFilesStorage

from import GZIPMixin

class GZIPCachedStorage(GZIPMixin, CachedStaticFilesStorage):

Using with other storages

You can also use your own custom storage, for example, if you want to use S3 for your assets :


Your storage only needs to inherit from PipelineMixin and ManifestFilesMixin or CachedFilesMixin.

In Django 1.7+ you should use ManifestFilesMixin unless you don’t have access to the local filesystem in which case you should use CachedFilesMixin.

from import CachedFilesMixin, ManifestFilesMixin

from import PipelineMixin

from storages.backends.s3boto import S3BotoStorage

class S3PipelineManifestStorage(PipelineMixin, ManifestFilesMixin, S3BotoStorage):

class S3PipelineCachedStorage(PipelineMixin, CachedFilesMixin, S3BotoStorage):

Using Pipeline with Bower

Bower is a package manager for the web that allows you to easily include frontend components with named versions. Integrating Bower with Pipeline is straightforward.

Add your Bower directory to your STATICFILES_DIRS :

  os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'bower_components'),

Then process the relevant content through Pipeline :

  'components': {
    'source_filenames': (
      # you can choose to be specific to reduce your payload
    'output_filename': 'js/components.js',

pipeline.finders.FileSystemFinder will help you by excluding much of the extra content that Bower includes with its components, such as READMEs, tests and examples, while still including images, fonts, CSS fragments etc.