Changelog ========= 1.1.27 ------ * Improve windows support. * Add support for Django 1.2. Thanks to Balazs Kossovics. 1.1.26 ------ * Fix unicode issue. Thanks to Adam Charnock. 1.1.25 ------ * Add stylus compiler. Thanks to David Charbonnier. * Fix git versioning. Thanks to David Charbonnier again. * Allow to disable asset normalization. Thansk to Christian Hammond. 1.1.24 ------ * Add deprecation warning on external urls * Fix windows paths support. * Don't try to pack externals package. Thanks to Cristian Andreica for the report. 1.1.23 ------ * Improve compressors documentation. * Allow to have no compressors. Thanks to Christian Hammond. * Fix less compiler to support @import. Thanks to TK Kocheran. 1.1.22 ------ * Fix google closure compiler verbose mode. Thanks to cgreene. * Fix absolute_path generation. Thanks to cgreene and Chris Northwood. 1.1.21 ------ * Fix js template name generation when there is only one template. Thanks to Gerrdo Curiel for the report. 1.1.20 ------ * Fix less and sass compilers. * Properly overwrite compiled file if it already exists. 1.1.19 ------ * Add python 2.5 support. * Remove lessc default arguments. -------- * Ensure we don't break for font-face hack and other esoteric CSS urls. 1.1.18 ------ * Ensure we don't break font-face urls. 1.1.17 ------ * Don't use verbose where it's not supported or source of error. * Improve syncompress cache bsuting ability. 1.1.16 ------ * Add a way to compress specific groups with ``synccompress`` command. -------- * Fixing typo. 1.1.15 ------ * Allow synccompress to only update version cache. -------- * Fix bug when calculating relative_path. 1.1.14 ------ * Ensure javascript templates code get compiled properly. * Use os.path.relpath() instead of the more error-prone string.replace() to find the relative path. Thanks to Luke Yu-Po Chen. 1.1.13 ------ * Use ```` in ``Packager``, to play nicely with exotic storage. 1.1.12 ------ * Add configurable cache timeout. Thanks to Matt Dennewitz. * Catch any exception coming from ``storage``. 1.1.11 ------ * Add documentation on pipeline signals, see :doc:`signals`. * Cache version calculations, speeding up template tags. * Not assuming anymore that version identifier are sortable (beware if you have setup ``PIPELINE_VERSION_REMOVE_OLD`` to ``False``). 1.1.10 ------ * Make ``synccompress`` command work as expect when ``PIPELINE_AUTO`` is set to ``False``. * Add a way to compress a specific group with ``synccompress`` command. * Raise ``CompilerError`` when ``PIPELINE`` is set to ``False``. 1.1.9 ----- * Play more nicely with staticfiles app via ``PipelineFinderStorage``, see :doc:`storages`. ------- * Fix bug in asset absolute path rewriting. 1.1.8 ----- * Faster templates tags. * Storage speed up. 1.1.7 ----- * Improved windows support. Thanks to Kyle MacFarlane. * Added Manifesto support. 1.1.0 ----- * Most of the settings name have change to be prefixed by ``PIPELINE_``. * CSSTidy isn't the default anymore, YUI Compressor is now the default. * Filters are now called compressors. * You can only specify one compressor via ``PIPELINE_CSS_COMPRESSOR`` or ``PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR``